Reimagining urban sports commerce

Fall 2018


Problem Statement

Our client, a large sports retailer, has traditionally supported its customers through its suburban brick and mortar offerings. As a result, its level of engagement and understanding of the urban customer and their needs had waned over the years.

How might we reimagine “Urban Sports Commerce” opportunities?

Ethnographic Research

Product Affinity | 13 Interviews

Catching users in the context of a workout or mid-purchase allowed us to develop a deeper understanding of how athletic apparel and footwear supported their activities and the considerations made when purchasing a new product.

Brand Affinity | 9 Interviews

Our corporate partner’s relationship with major sporting brands required us to gain insight on how brands deliver a unique in store experience and the influence it has on purchasing products. Interviewees included store associates, pop-up store marketing directors and customers spanning numerous brands within and adjacent to athletics.

Survey | 56 Respondents

After creating a baseline understanding of brand affinity, the survey was launched to confirm the hypotheses we had formed around the factors that create a memorable in store experience and those that increase customer allegiance.


 Personas & Insights


Casual customers enter an experience looking to be inspired. They are open to the influence of individuals and the environment when making a purchasing decision.

Need but can wait’ customers are more firm on the specifications of what their need is, but are still influenceable. They are in no rush to make a purchasing decision and often research options before making their final purchase online.

Urgent customers’ enter an experience filled with anxiety as they must quickly decide the most efficient way to fulfill their need.


Urban customers seamlessly float between these modes and feel that they should not have to sacrifice experience for convenience.

Customer journey encapsulated within a purchasing continuum

Customer journey encapsulated within a purchasing continuum


Final Concept

Based on the insights developed and the competitive landscape of the urban marketplace, our focus for developing prototypes sought to alleviate the pain points of the causal and the urgent customer.


A brand will not define you.

Base is curated collection of basic athlete apparel across the biggest brands in sports retail, created to serve the needs of the urban athlete no matter what mode they are in.

Base supports and inspires the urban customer regardless of their point within the customer continuum by offering solutions built to fulfill their needs.


Features & Offerings

Phase One: 6 - 12 Months


Brand Launch | Pop-up Shop

Key Features:

  • Curated (limited edition) collection of basic apparel

  • Product and Exercise Subject Matter Experts

  • Digital Mirrors

  • Custom Embroidery


Phase Two: 12 - 24 Months


Clothes on Demand | Base X Vending Machine

Key Features:

  • Limited selection based on best selling basics from each partner brand

  • Display window to view and rotate item prior to purchase

  • Located in middle-end fitness locations (Blink, NYSC, etc.) and public locations used for recreation


Features Continued:

  • Quick experience to alleviate stress of urgent shopping

  • Vending machine allows Base to control each shopping experience

  • Low cost way (versus brick & mortar location) to engage with urgent shoppers and build incremental trust

Prototypes designed and developed in OnShape


Phase 3: Two Years - Three Years


Engagement + Experience | Retail Store

The retail store targets both the casual shopper looking to be inspired as they complete the purchasing journey, and the urgent shopper who desires a quick and convenient shopping experience.

Key Features:

  • Urban locations that cater to our target segment

  • Hyperlocal feel to store design and experience
