Elevating and extending the boat ownership experience

Fall 2019


The Two Year User

Today’s boat brands are confronting the need to build more compelling and impactful customer experiences before, during and after winning over a new buyer. Too often, new boat owners become disillusioned from the drop off in brand engagement post purchase. This disillusionment, coupled with the realization of the high cost and hassle of boat ownership, triggers many to sell and exit ownership in the second year.

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Primary | 18 Interviews

We explored themes around the boat purchasing journey, boat ownership and formal and informal experiences as boaters. Participants spanned across different age groups, genders, locations, professions and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Secondary | Market Overview

We investigated the value propositions from some of our client’s biggest competitors to better understand the marketplace. Research also covered maintenance, financing and logistical aspects of ownership while exploring analogous industries such as high fashion, luxury items and the automotive space for inspiration.


Insight | Off-Season

Boat owners experience immense pride when hosting friends on their boats and interacting with their slip-mates throughout the season.

However, during the off-season, boat owners feel disengaged and distanced from their boating communities and vessel.

Insight | Community

Seasoned boat owners enthusiastically promote their marine knowledge with non-boaters and boaters alike. They are natural ambassadors of the boating lifestyle.

New boat owners have many unanticipated questions in their first year of ownership and can become detached and discouraged about the boating community the longer they go unanswered.


Solutions & Storyboards


Final Concepts


Concept 1 | Brunswick Insider

Unique, curated event series during on and off season

Branded and customized monthly invitation


Concept 2 | Brunswick Immersive Theater

Screening and performance events hosted in alternative spaces

Show-room boats reserved as audience seating to reignite passion for being aboard their boat


Concept 3 | Partner+Ships

Digital platform to facilitate partner matches

Engagement with new boaters and those preparing to purchase a new boat